Thanksgiving and meeting Santa

Thanksgiving was spent in Cottonwood this year.  We had a great time visiting with Devereaux’s and DeSleer’s.  We didn’t get many pictures but Uncle Steven made sure we took pictures of this:

Steven was up early every morning to set or check his traps.  He wanted to make sure that Andrew saw the three beavers.  

We’ll remember this someday when Steven has his own kids.  “Come pet the dead beaver”. 

The Sunday after we put our tree up!  Thank goodness for fake, pre-lit trees!  Andrew was more interested in the box.  He’s doing pretty well with the tree so far.  He’ll crawl close to it and then look to see if anyone is watching, we say “No”, and he smiles and crawls away.  

In addition to teaching him what no means, I have also taught him to raise his hand when he has something to share.  Maybe he could come in and show my class how this works?

After the tree was up and Andrew was freshly bathed, we decided to try to capture the perfect picture for our Christmas cards.  It didn’t work, he drooled on his shirt and wouldn’t smile!

So we gave up and decided to take his 11 month picture instead.  

Yesterday we went to the St. Michael fire station to meet Santa.  While in line, we noticed some other Schneider’s doing the same thing!

The line was long so Andrew worked on his standing skills while we waited. 

Uncle Bill and Allison came over for a visit!

Getting closer to Santa!  

Santa seemed to be doing a great job with the kids.  He would sit and talk to each one for awhile.  

When it was Andrew’s turn, Santa got kind of anxious and didn’t really know what to do with him.  

He was holding him kind of funny and it was only a matter of time before Andrew would start to whine.

This picture sums up Andrew’s first meeting with Santa.  Both giving each other strange looks. 

We came home and noticed our neighbor out clearing off an area to ice skate on the pond.

Then this morning, Andrew watched the ice skating area get covered by snow again!

He watched the snow come down for about 15 minutes!  
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