We need your help!

We need your help deciding which video we should use for a Kikkoman video contest.  This contest is high stakes so we made 5 videos and are struggling to decide which one we should put forth as the final submission.  

All of the movies are listed below and you can vote on the right side of this page.   
*(if you have a youtube account please rate all of the movies with 5 stars, it will help us in the contest)*
Thank you for your help!
Movie #1  
Kikkoman can’t live without it….

Movie #2 
What would you rather have milk or Kikkoman…

Movie #3 
Don’t try to borrow Andy’s Kikkoman…

Movie #4
Life is filled with choices…

Movie #5 
It will change your life…
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99 Responses to We need your help!

  1. Laura Schneider says:

    Why must you do this to our son?

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