4th of July weekend

Andrew is sound asleep and we finally found some time to update this!  The last week has been very busy with traveling and having visitors.  Last week, Pete was in Washington D.C. for work so Andrew and I headed to Cottonwood for a few days to visit my parents.  It was a nice trip and Andrew did well in the car both ways.  We spent lots of time with “Me-mah” and “Pe-pah”.  Aunt Erin got in some good bonding time with Andrew and even set him up with some finger painting.  
Here he is checking out Grandpa’s beans:

Giving the kitty a hug and saying “Niiii” (nice)

We were able to see all of Andrew’s great grandparents on this trip as well.  Later in the week, we returned home and so did Pete.  We spent Friday at the Elm Creek Park swimming pond in Maple Grove.  We spent $20 and bought a family pass for the summer.  I think we’ll be spending plenty of time here!  Lots of sun, swimming, and playing in the sand.  We got home and Andrew took a nap on Pete as he played with his new camera

On Saturday, we were able to spend some more time with our new Australian friends, Bryn and Valerie.  Bryn is an Atomic Learning reseller and was in the area for work.  Our 4th of July was pretty uneventful, but we did see a few fireworks from the deck.  
Andrew showed Bryn how to use his camera. 

And Bryn showed us how to use the self-timer on ours!

We’ve taken lots of video of Andrew lately, but just haven’t had a chance to put anything together yet.  This week things will be back to normal, so hopefully we’ll get some more accomplished.  Andrew is officially one and a half years old today!  That also means we will get to stop saying his age in months.  Also, according to my weekly developmental e-mail about Andrew, we should begin to think about potty training soon.  We’ll see about that!  Andrew starts swimming lessons tomorrow, and we’ll try not to be the annoying parents that are more concerned about taking pictures for their blog instead of helping their son feel comfortable in the water!!!

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