The last week has been busy as usual. We went camping with Uncle Steven and Aunt Erin to Sibley State Park.
We had great weather, plenty of caterpillars for Andrew to catch, and lots of smores to eat.
Andrew enjoyed the extra attention from Steven and Erin, even when they dressed him as a superhero and made him run around the campsite shouting “Superhero, to the rescue!”.
We were able to do quite a bit of hiking and had lots of great photo opps!
When the fun was over, we came home and made Andrew paint our bathroom. He only missed a few spots.
Today and tomorrow are days filled with garage sales. There are nine sales going on in our neighborhood and somehow we turned into the hosting location for 3 families. There were lots of customers and lots of kids. Towards the end of the day, Pete and I had fun sending our neighbor kids over to other sales with foreign change from Pete’s many trips!
We’re looking forward to a relaxing weekend