New Pictures: Leaves, The Circus, An Escalator, A Parking Ramp and A Monkey?

Andrew loves going for walks.

Some kind person raked this pile of leaves near the river for Andrew to sit in.

This is what happens when Mom and Andrew are home for MEA break.

Andrew has learned how to pull himself up on the side of his crib. 
This makes laying down and going to sleep an exhausting process.

Last Saturday, Pete scored 4 box seats to the Shrine Circus at the Target center.  

The excitement of his first (and only?) circus.

Life is so much easier when you can just ride down the stairs.

After the circus, we had a couple of hours to waste and then a wedding to attend in St. Paul.  We spent a little time in the Mall of America and then Andrew got to experience getting ready for his first wedding in the parking ramp.  And, yes, we all changed our clothes in the parking ramp.  

That’s just how we roll. 

The next day, Mom had some homework to do, but was distracted by the shouts of successful fishermen. 

“Um, Mom, could you leave?  You’re embarrassing me.”

We’ll be in SW MN for Halloween so we decided to get an early start on the pumpkin carving. 

Check out the graham cracker smeared all over his face!

Pete was really getting into this and worked on his for about an hour. 

My pumpkin resembles Andrew, except for the triangle eyes. 

Enjoying the final product.

Pete’s hard work paid off.  Two wolves howling at the moon.  

Yesterday we joined the Kresha’s for Zoo Boo in Little Falls.

Aliza decided that Evil Taco wasn’t so bad after all.

Somehow these two got bags of candy, as well. 

Posing for a picture with a pumpkin.

Amelia and Adrienne take a break from candy collecting to pose with their cousin.
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