We are recovering…

After a week full of illness and missed work, we are all working our way back to full health.  This was our first experience with the whole family getting sick at the same time.  We have decided that we’d like it to be our last.  We all had the same flu like symptoms; however, we’ve noticed that each of us handles the pain differently.  

Peter started it.  He handled it by sleeping, sleeping, and sleeping some more.  He even denied offers of extra blankets, cold glasses of water, Sprite, crackers, and Tylenol.  
Laura had a somewhat more difficult time.  She couldn’t sleep at all and demanded extra blankets, cold water, Sprite, crackers, and Tylenol.  Peter and Andrew decided that they’d rather be sick themselves than have Laura sick.
We don’t think Andrew ever really got sick.  Instead, he was just trying to fit in and do what he thought was acceptable.  Let’s just say that whatever he ate or drank came right back up and he went through about 5 pairs of pants a day.  The rest of the time he was playing, crawling, and babbling as if nothing was wrong.  
We are looking forward to a restful weekend and a healthy end to 2009!
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