What a Difference a Year Makes

Andrew’s pj’s now…and then.

Jake spent a couple of days with us over winter break.  They had lots of fun together!


Laughing about what he’s going to do next.

Andrew thought it would be funny to throw a book under the exersaucer, crawl under to get it, and then stand up.

They were both laughing so hard!

Andrew decided to stop messing around and start helping out with the laundry.

The next day, right after his diaper change, he scampered off to organize the closet. 

We had a New Year’s celebration at our house.  Pete decided to make a whop for the party.  I don’t remember any whop parties in St. Cloud having crystal bowls and bundt pan ice rings.  And, yes, that is a soup ladle!

We are official members of the Minnesota Zoo for 2009 (thank you Dick and Mary!) and already made our first trip there.

Andrew loved looking at all of the animals in the tropical area.

Dad and Andrew touched sting rays and sharks!

We celebrated Andrew’s first birthday a day early with lots of family!  Pete and I are hoping to continue the tradition of making cakes for birthdays.  Our first attempt was pretty successful.  It was supposed to be 4 cars, but Pete decided that there should be a combine and fire truck, too. 

This was one of mine, STMA (St. Michael/Albertville).  

A close up of one of Pete’s.  

Andrew’s 12 month picture.  I thought this would be the last one, but Pete thinks we are are going to do it until he leaves home?!

Getting a sneak peak. 

The Devereaux’s/Nelson’s/Schneider’s…all on the same continent for one of the first times in years!

Andrew’s present from Grandpa and Grandma Devereaux.  Thank you, Steven, for showing us how it works!

Andrew had lots of cousin’s who wanted to take a ride with him in the wagon!

Finally, the big moment arrived. 

Careful at first. 


Shoveling it in as fast as he can before Mom and Dad realize what is going on and can take it away. 

They saw me!
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