Pete returns…and has a birthday!

Pete’s 29th birthday was on January 12th and, unfortunately, he had to spend it alone in London.  He was over there working for a week and Andrew and I are VERY happy that he is back.  We were able to spend lots of quality time together!  Here’s a recap of the past week.

Andrew is walking everywhere.  It’s amazing how quickly he started.  He was standing on his own for about a week and the next week he started walking and hasn’t stopped since!  Somehow he ended up underneath one of the bar stools.

It took him a couple of minutes to figure out how to get out!

Last Thursday was a welcomed break from daycare for Andrew and school for me.  With temperatures near -25 degrees, many schools were closed for the day.  We spent the entire day at home.  During the week, we aren’t home during daylight hours so I took advantage of the natural light and snapped many pictures!

One of Andrew’s favorite books is The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  My coworker gave him this book (thanks Leanna!) with a very nice note attached to the inside.  Each time we read it to him we’d first read the note, but Andrew figured out how to remove it, so now we’ve turned it into a bookmark!

We did lots of reading on our day off.  He practiced reading in his own rocker.

When he decided that he was done, he thought he could keep smiling and just slip away!

Earlier I had organized his toys and books.  About 3 minutes after all of the books were organized, this is what I found. 

That’s when I decided it was time for a time-out chair.  Ok, not really, but that’s what his new booster seat looks like!  After his bath, I plopped him in and he sat there for a few minutes just looking around.

Finally, Pete came home and we were able to celebrate his birthday.  Can you tell who is more excited?  Pete was very jet lagged, but a good sport.  Andrew was over the moon about getting to eat more cake!

After everyone got a good nights sleep, we were able to enjoy one more day (MLK Jr. Day) together before the work week began.  Even though Pete had to work, Andrew found his way over to his office doors many times throughout the day.  A couple of times, he would stand outside the doors and say “hi…hi…hi”, until Pete acknowledged him, then he would laugh and walk away.  Then I heard lots of laughing and saw this.

No wonder I have to clean these doors so often.

Anything to be like his Dad.

Working hard or hardly working?  Either way, we’re just happy that he’s home.
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