Only 30 more years to go…

Yesterday was the last day of school for my class!  Everyone was ready for break to be here.  I had lunch with a couple of friends today.  Actually had lunch.  With no kids running by to tell me that their tooth fell out.  No meetings.  No fire drills.  No kids arguing about who gets to bring the kickball out.  Didn’t have to tie any shoes or snap any pants.  No rushing to eat because it’s raining again and, crap, the kids will be back soon.

Anyway, we were on the topic of retirement and I realized that I could easily be doing this job for many, many more years.  Sigh.

The up side is that I get to spend my summers with this kid:

There are all sorts of parks to explore, critters to find, ice cream to eat, and fun to be had.

The excitement began tonight as I was finishing up grilling.  I looked over and saw this little frog sitting on the side of the grill.

So for the next 20 minutes we watched as Andrew enjoyed his new friend (and apparently stomped on my cilantro).

Looking forward to the adventure!

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